Polska Biblioteka Wirtualna Nauki

    Kolekcja Matematyczna


 Prosimy o przesyłanie uwag na adres bwm@icm.edu.pl

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Tom 102

Warszawa 1979

Spis treści

D. GogolSentences with three quantifiers are decidable in set theory1-8
Z. GrandeLes ensembles de niveau et la monotonie d'une fonction9-12
W. HaverThe closure of the space of homeomorphisms on a manifold. The piecewise linear case13-19
C. HoOn the local homogeneity and the invertibility of a topological space21-27
R. PolSome examples in the dimension theory of Tychonoff spaces29-43
R. GardnerOn concentrated sets45-53
R. PolNote on cathegory in Cartesian products of metrizable spaces55-59
V. LiemHomotopy characterization of weakly flat knots61-72
E. VoughtOn decompositions of hereditary uniecherent continua73-79
E. KleinbergThe equiconsistency of two large cardinal axioms81-85
W. KulpaSome factorization theorems for closed subspaces87-90
A. CalderUniform homotopy91-99
C. ChongΣn-cofînalities of Jα101-107
S. ItohSome fixed point theorems in metric spaces109-117
J. Krasinkiewicz
P. Minc
Continua with countable number of arc-components119-127
J. Krasinkiewicz
P. Minc
Continua and their open subsets with connected complements129-136
R. Pol
E. Pol
A hereditarily normal strongly zero-dimensional space containing subspaces of arbitrarily large dimension137-142
S. MasihOn the fixed point index and the Nielsen fixed point theorem of symmetric product mappings143-158
V. BhaveOn the pseudoachromatic number of a graph159-164
T. Przymusiński
D. Lutzer
Continuous extenders in normal and collecdonwise normal spaces165-171
F. Tall
K. Kunen
Between Martin's Axiom and Souslin's Hypothesis173-181
S. NadlerThe metric confluent images of half-lines and lines183-194
D. BuschCapacitability and determinacy195-202
M. EhrlichA theorem of Borsuk-Ulam type for multifunctions203-208
D. DoitchinovUniform shape and uniform Čech homology and cohomology groups for metric spaces209-218
J. RoitmanParacompact box products in forcing extensions219-228
T. Przymusiński
E. van Douwen
First countable and countable spaces all compactifications of which contain ßN229-234

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