Polska Biblioteka Wirtualna Nauki

    Kolekcja Matematyczna


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Banach Center Publications

Tom 39

Warszawa 1997

Spis treści

J. Kijowski
S. Janeczko
A. Künzle
R. Budzyński
W. Kondracki
Preface, Introduction, Contents1-10
T. AokiMultiple-scale analysis for Painlevé transcendents with a large parameter11-17
M. DattaA homotopy classification of symplectic immersions19-29
W. Domitrz
S. Janeczko
Equivalence of Lagrangian germs in the presence of a surface31-37
E. FerrandOn a theorem of Chekanov39-48
J. FrançoiseBirkhoff normal forms and analytic geometry49-56
A. HanygaCanonical functions of asymptotic diffraction theory associated with symplectic singularities57-71
W. KlingenbergStability of the Bishop family of holomorphic discs73-76
A. KünzleSymplectic capacities in manifolds77-87
K. MohnkeOn Seiberg–Witten equations on symplectic 4–manifolds89-104
T. MorimotoMonge-Ampère equations viewed from contact geometry105-121
O. MyasnichenkoThe obstacle problem and direct products of unfurled swallowtails123-129
A. ParusińskiA note on singularities at infinity of complex polynomials131-141
A. SwannSingular moment maps and quaternionic geometry143-153
S. TajimaDirect image of the de Rham system associated with a rational double point — a five fingers exercise155-160
M. TsujiMonge-Ampère equations and surfaces with negative Gaussian curvature161-170
F. TurielTranslation foliations of codimension one on compact affine manifolds171-182
M. Asorey
F. Falceto
J. Lopez
G. Luzon
Vacuum structure of 2+1-dimensional gauge theories183-199
B. BrodaA gauge-field approach to 3- and 4-manifold invariants201-209
T. BrzezińskiQuantum fibre bundles. An introduction211-223
R. Budzyński
W. Kondracki
On the existence of the functional measure for 2D Yang-Mills theory225-229
T. Friedrich
J. Eichhorn
Seiberg-Witten theory231-267
J. Eichhorn
G. Heber
The configuration space of gauge theory on open manifolds of bounded geometry269-286
J. FuchsThe singularity structure of the Yang–Mills configuration space287-301
D. GiuliniThe group of large diffeomorphisms in general relativity303-315
D. GroisserThe L2 metric in gauge theory: an introduction and some applications317-329
D. MarolfRefined algebraic quantization: systems with a single constraint331-344
J. MickelssonSchwinger terms, gerbes, and operator residues345-361
J. PawełczykString picture of gauge fields363-371
V. SolovievDivergences in formal variational calculus and boundary terms in Hamiltonian formalism373-388
T. ThiemannAn axiomatic approach to quantum gauge field theory389-403

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