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Control and Cybernetics

Tom 37

Warszawa 2008

Spis treści

. Contents3-4
F. Tröltzsch
J. de Los Reyes
P. Merino
J. Rehberg
Optimality conditions for state-constrained PDE control problems with time-dependent controls5-38
H. Van ThiApproximate controllability for systems described by right invertible operators39-50
C. MeyerError estimates for the finite-element approximation of an elliptic control problem with pointwise state and control constraints51-83
P. Petkov
M. Konstantinov
N. Christov
Conditioning and error estimates in LQG design85-97
W. Tadej
M. Ławryńczuk
A computationally efficient stable dual-mode type nonlinear predictive control algorithm99-132
P. Tatjewski
M. Ławryńczuk
P. Marusak
Cooperation of model predictive control with steady-state economic optimisation133-158
D. Qian
J. Yi
D. Zhao
Hierarchical sliding mode control for a class of SIMO under-actuated systems159-175
I. Lagrat
H. Ouakka
I. Boumhidi
Fuzzy adaptive control of a class of MISO nonlinear systems177-190
O. Hryniewicz
A. Deeb
An approximate economically optimal inspection interval for production processes with finite run length191-204
M. RomaniukConvergence diagnosis to stationary distribution in MCMC methods via atoms and renewal sets205-229
H. ŻołądekBook reviews: ''Limit cycles of differential equations'' by Colin Christopher and Chengzhi Li231-236
P. KulczyckiBook reviews: ''Filtering theory with applications to fault detection, isolation, and estimation'' by Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel and Peddapullaiah Sannuti237-238
P. NowakBook reviews: ''Point process theory and applications. Marked point and piecewise deterministic processes'' by Martin Jacobsen239-242
J. OwsińskiBook reviews: ''Cluster analysis for data mining and system identification'' by János Abonyi and Balázs Feil243-244
K. Malanowski
F. Tröltzsch
Preface to the special issue on ''Theoretical and numerical aspects of optimal control''247-247
. Contents249-249
J. de Los Reyes
C. Meyer
B. Vexler
Finite element error analysis for state-constrained optimal control of the Stokes equations251-284
A. DmitrukJacobi type conditions for singular extremals285-306
U. FelgenhauerThe shooting approach in analyzing bang-bang extremals with simultaneous control switches307-327
V. GlizerCorrectness of a constrained control Mayer's problem for a class of singularly perturbed functional-differential systems329-351
M. Kawski
P. Maxwell
Curvature of optimal control: Deformation of scalar-input planar systems353-367
K. Krumbiegel
A. Rösch
On the regularization error of state constrained Neumann control problems369-392
B. Mordukhovich
D. Wang
L. Wang
Optimal control of delay-differential inclusions with multivalued initial conditions in infinite dimensions393-428
H. Oberle
R. Rosendahl
On singular arcs in nonsmooth optimal control429-450
S. Pickenhain
V. Lykina
M. Wagner
On the lower semicontinuity of functionals involving Lebesgue or improper Riemann integrals in infinite horizon optimal control problems451-468
L. Poggiolini
G. Stefani
Sufficient optimality conditions for a bang--singular extremal in the minimum time problem469-490
A. ZaslavskiTurnpike properties of approximate solutions of autonomous variational problems491-512
. Contents515-516
J. Chen
C. Yang
K. Lin
C. Lien
Robust H control for a class of uncertain neutral systems with both state and control input time-varying delays via a unified LMI optimization approach517-530
Z. DudaOn some nonconventional problem of a state filtration531-547
P. HušekOn parametric Hurwitz stability margin of real polynomials549-563
M. PająkFuzzy modelling of temperature difference in 200 MW power unit condenser using genetic fuzzy systems565-583
F. Turnovec
J. Mercik
M. Mazurkiewicz
National and ideological influence in the European Parliament585-606
M. EkesSupertypes of voters in a model of general elections607-615
A. Wiszniewska-MatyszkielStock market as a dynamic game with continuum of players617-647
S. Cruz Rambaud
A. Ventre
Joint investment strategies with a superadditive capitalization function649-667
Z. StanimirovićAn efficient genetic algorithm for the uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem669-692
W. Niemiro
M. Zalewska
A. Grzanka
B. Samoliński
A new method for identifying outlying subsets of data693-709
L. KlukowskiEstimation of the preference relation on the basis of multiple pairwise comparisons711-729
M. RomaniukBooks review: ''Laws of Small Numbers: Extreme and Rare Events'' by M. Falk, J. Hüsler and R.-D. Reiß731-733
P. NowakBooks review: ''Advances in Mathematical Finance'' by M.C. Fu, R.A. Jarrow, Ju-Yi J. Yen and R.J. Elliott, eds. 735-737
. Contents741-742
. Jean-Paul Zolésio a short biography743-745
J. Sokołowski
C. Amrouche
Š. Nečasová
Shape differentiability of the Neumann problem of the Laplace equation in the half-space747-769
H. Antil
R. Hoppe
C. Linsenmann
Optimal design of stationary flow problems by path-following interior-point methods771-796
V. Barbu
G. Da Prato
Some results for the reflection problems in Hilbert spaces797-810
D. Bucur
I. Durus
E. Oudet
The eigenvalue problem with conductivity boundary conditions811-829
P. Cannarsa
D. Rocchetti
J. Vancostenoble
Generation of analytic semi-groups in L2 for a class of second order degenerate elliptic operators831-878
M. DelfourRepresentations of hypersurfaces and minimal smoothness of the midsurface in the theory of shells879-911
A. Laurain
M. Hintermüller
Electrical Impedance Tomography: from topology to shape913-933
I. Lasiecka
R. Triggiani
Uniform energy decay rates of hyperbolic equations with nonlinear boundary and interior dissipation935-969
J. Sokołowski
G. Leugering
Topological sensitivity analysis for elliptic problems on graphs971-997
J. Sokołowski
S. Nazarov
Shape sensitivity analysis of eigenvalues revisited999-1012
F. Tröltzsch
I. Neitzel
On convergence of regularization methods for nonlinear parabolic optimal control problems with control and state constraints1013-1043
A. NowakowskiShape optimization of control problems described by wave equations1045-1055
. Table of contents of volume 37 (2008)1057-1059
. Alphabetical list of contributors of volume 37 (2008)1059-1063
. The list of volume's referees1065-1066

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