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    Mathematical Collection


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Studia Mathematica

Volume 67

Warszawa-Wrocław 1980


J. ZemánekSpectral characterization of two-sided ideals in Banach algebras1-12
M. TalagrandCompacts de fonctions mesurables et filtres non mesurables13-43
M. Misiurewicz
W. Szlenk
Entropy of piecewise monotone mappings45-63
Y. Chen
L. Chan
M. Liu
Some properties of asymptotic functions65-72
P. KnopfWeak-type multipliers73-84
R. Sikorski
A. Buraczewski
Analytic formulae for determinant systems in Banach spaces85-101
A. TongeLa presque-périodicité et les coalgèbres injectives103-118
J. MorrowOn basis sequences in non-locally convex spaces119-133
J. BourgainDentability and finite-dimensional decompositions135-148
A. Pietsch
E. Gluskin
J. Puhl
A generalization of Khintchine's inequality and its application in the theory of operator ideals149-155
H. Königs-numbers, eigenvalues and the trace theorem in Banach spaces157-172
B. MarshallDifferentiability of distributions at a single point173-213
Z. Słodkowski
S. Kowalski
A characterization of multiplicative linear functionals in Banach algebras215-223
D. Vogt
M. Wagner
Charakterisierung der Quotientenräume von s und eine Vermutung von Martineau225-240
B. MarshallTempered nontangential boundedness241-277
V. Mandrekar
J. Zinn
Central limit problem for symmetric case: Convergence to non-Gaussian laws279-296
B. DahlbertWeighted norm inequalities for the Lusin area integral and the nontangential maximal functions for functions harmonic in a Lipschitz domain297-314
A. LubinSpectral characterization of two-sided ideals in Banach algebras315-319

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