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Colloquium Mathematicum

Volume 73

Warszawa-Wrocław 1997


H. LiSome nonexistence theorems on stable minimal submanifolds1-13
Y. DingRough singular integral operators with Hardy space function kernels on a product domain15-23
R. Cauty
T. Banakh
Universalité forte pour les sous-ensembles totalement bornés. Applications aux espaces Cp(X)25-33
S. FerencziSystems of finite rank35-65
O. KernerWild tilted algebras revisited67-81
M. GolasińskiComponentwise injective models of functors to DGAs83-92
A. Skowroński
G. Zwara
On the numbers of discrete indecomposable modules over tame algebras93-114
D. Simson
J. García
On rings whose flat modules form a Grothendieck category115-141
P. MikrutBordism of spin manifolds with local actions of tori in low dimensions143-154
W. HebischBoundedness of L1 spectral multipliers for an exponential solvable Lie group155-164
D. Grubb
C. Moore
A variant of Hörmander’s condition for singular integrals165-172
D. BielawskiGeneric properties of some boundary value problems for differential equations173-181
T. Domínguez Benavides
J. Ayerbe
S. Francisco Cutillas
A modulus for property (Β) of Rolewicz183-191
D. VaggioneOn the fundamental theorem of algebra193-194
P. JaworskiOn the Witt rings of function fields of quasihomogeneous varieties195-219
D. BetsakosOn certain harmonic measures on the unit disk221-228
E. DamekFundamental solutions of differential operators on homogeneous manifolds of negative curvature and related Riesz transforms229-249
K. Shiratani
M. Yamada
On rationality of Jacobi sums251-260
A. TralleOn compact symplectic and Kählerian solvmanifolds which are not completely solvable261-283
F. OkohExtensionless modules over tame hereditary algebras285-299
A. Skowroński
R. Nörenberg
Tame minimal non-polynomial growth simply connected algebras301-330

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